Mill Creek
Water Trail
Welcome to Friends of Mill Creek
The Mill Creek Water Trail is a scenic 21-mile waterway that begins at Cedar Lakes Conference Center, winds through Ripley, WV, and flows to the Ohio River at Millwood, WV. This beautiful trail offers opportunities for paddling, fishing, and enjoying the natural beauty of our region.
We believe that a healthy Mill Creek Water Trail means a stronger, more vibrant community. At Friends of Mill Creek, our mission is to protect and enhance this beautiful waterway and its surrounding watershed — not just for today, but for generations to come.
Through community action, education, and partnerships with local residents, businesses, and government, we’re dedicated to keeping the Mill Creek Water Trail clean, safe, and thriving. Whether you’re a paddler, nature lover, or someone who simply cares about our environment, there’s a place for you in our efforts.
Together, we can make a lasting impact. Join us, as we protect this treasured water trail and build a brighter future for Ripley and beyond.
Join the
Friends of
Mill Creek
Friends of Mill Creek is a group of volunteers working to make Mill Creek Water Trail a family friendly adventure to explore. Come Join Us!